Our Mission Statements

To encourage young people to build an intimate Relationship with God with Him as our Guiding Companion.

To Acknowledge the gifts that God has given to us and to Empower us to use them through this Journey of faith.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bridging Light Updates!

Hey people,

Here's a big thank you to those who had helped us in the Youth and Young Adults Commissioning and the F.I.S.H event yesterday! It was really gratifying to see the whole parish applauding the leaders after their commissioning. It's a way to show the leaders that the parish cares and is fully supportive of their hard work. May God continue to guide the leaders in their personal and ministry lives.

1) A drama production by The Potter's Clay coming your way soon...

2) Countdown to WYD Madrid 11 begins! Registration for SFA group has already started. If you are interested and between the age of 16 - 35, we welcome you to join us! Reply back for more details! Check this site out: www.madridwyd2011.com.

3) Cell Group. Register your interest (Living in God 2010 from ages 14 - 20), here or Little Rock Scripture Studies - Acts of the Apostles for Young Adults (21 years to 30 years old) here! If you have registered but no one has contacted you yet, please call Gregory @ 9829 7091.

4) A testimonial project by the young people for the adults - It's time to re-engage the adults into the passion of being in love with God! We are starting a testimonial project where the youths and young adults can express their struggles, pains and joys while being in love with Jesus. The aim is to gather all these testimonials into a BOOK! When people read it, they go "Ah! So I'm not the only guy with this problem!" We are aiming to publish this book by the end of this year. So if you do have testimonies, please do not hesitate to go to this form:https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEZmUkxyeWJ1Y05pOTR6dHBibTBxM0E6MQ and submit. It's ok to be anonymous!

5) Intercessories - Once every 2 weeks, a group of young adults and youths will come together to pray for the needs of everyone in the parish. If you have any petitions, please send them back to our email. This week we pray for students who had just started their studies... again.

6) Get in On the Acts with Thomas Smith!

Tue-Thu, 20-22 Jul | 7.45 - 9.30pm | Main Church | All are welcome
Beginning with Christ and St Francis of Assisi as our examples and guides, we reflect on how we too can concretely restore our Church and our lives through the Word, Worship and Works of Mercy.

Fri-Sat, 23-24 Jul | 7.45 - 9.30pm (Fri), 8.30a | Main Church | $25.00 per participant (inclusive of lunch and workbook)

Thomas Smith continues by exploring the early development of the Church and the role of the apostles in spreading God’s message to the ends of the earth. He challenges us as modern Christians to think about how we too can become apostles for Christ in our lives today.

Register by calling 6567 3866 ext 126, emailing register@giota.stmary.sg.
