Jack o Lanterns, witches and ghouls; why is a Catholic ministry wishing you on such an occasion? Doesn't sound very Christian if not pagan.
Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, Halloween isn't pagan at all?
Celebrated on the 31st of October every year, it is really the eve of All Saints and All Souls days. Halloween, coming from the words "Hallow (Holy) evening", used to be called All Hallows' Eve. The Vigil of the two days which are dedicated especially to prayer for the dead.
Imagine that! Halloween is really a Catholic celebration!
Yes, it is celebrated on a pagan date. This is because the Church wanted to Christianise the pagan time for remembering the dead. "To bring light into darkness." All Saints and All Souls days are Catholic feasts, through and through.
You can read more about it at: "How Halloween Can Be Redeemed"
On this note, I'd like to invite you to All Saints Day Youth Mass tomorrow, 1st of November at 6pm. And to the Youth Halloween fellowship after Mass at about 7pm at the Lighthouse for dinner and games and chilling out. (Dinner is by love offering, pay any amount you wish)
Hope to see you there!
God bless,