Our Mission Statements

To encourage young people to build an intimate Relationship with God with Him as our Guiding Companion.

To Acknowledge the gifts that God has given to us and to Empower us to use them through this Journey of faith.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

House Warming

  1. There was the clearing out of all the junk.

  2. Then there was the car wash, to raise funds.

  3. Then there was the cleaning.

  4. Then there was the painting, blue and green.

  5. Then there was the installation of the air con.

  6. Then there was the going from one furniture shop to another to find the cheapest furniture.

  7. Then there was the going from one electronics shop to another to look for the cheapest electronics.

  8. Then there was even more shopping to look for the little items for finishing.

  9. Then there was the final cleaning.

And now, she is ready to come. Our beautiful baby, still unnamed.

Youth Room house warming is tomorrow! After all that hard work we've put in, all those hours of shopping and cleaning and more shopping and even more cleaning!
She's finally here with her inviting blue and green walls. With her flat screen TV and mini fridge. With her warm sofa and cozy rugs. With her two computers and her prayer corner.
She is finally here to welcome the youth of St Francis of Assisi, to provide a comfy, cozy environment for all to come together to just chill.

Join us tomorrow for the official unveiling followed by a blessing by the Holy Spirit through His servant, Fr Michal, at noon. Refreshments will be served, ;)


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