Our Mission Statements

To encourage young people to build an intimate Relationship with God with Him as our Guiding Companion.

To Acknowledge the gifts that God has given to us and to Empower us to use them through this Journey of faith.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The format for a growth story might look like this . . .

ISSUE + LESSON + RESPONSE = my growth story

What ISSUE or QUESTION have you been struggling with? What’s been going on in your life that God is using to challenge or stretch you? In what ways have you been stumbling in your walk with Christ?What LESSON did you learn from your issue/question? What insight from the Bible did God give you, or what friend encouraged you? What have you learned or in what way have you grown since the issue/question first presented itself? What RESPONSE is God calling for? Or what RESPONSE do you need from your readers? If there was a definite lesson God taught you, how does He want you to live now? If there hasn’t been an answer yet, how do you want others to pray for you? Could your response challenge others to grow? IMPORTANT! When you actually begin to write out either type of testimony, put the bulk of your material in the middle section (“how” or “lesson”). Why? Many people focus too much on what life was like before Christ or on the issue they’re struggling with, and it can overwhelm the audience. The reader needs to se HOW you came to know Christ and/or what LESSON God taught you during this time. Everyone can relate to life outside of Christ, but people need to get a clear picture of the kind of hope Christ offers.

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