Our Mission Statements

To encourage young people to build an intimate Relationship with God with Him as our Guiding Companion.

To Acknowledge the gifts that God has given to us and to Empower us to use them through this Journey of faith.

Friday, May 15, 2009

V - for Virgin

What do you understand by the term "virgin"? Well...a virgin is by definition for a woman only...
A virgin (or maiden) is, originally a woman who has never had sexual intercourse. It is derived from the Latin 'virgo', which means "sexually inexperienced woman." }
In bio
physical terms, it could be detectable (but not always accurate) from the woman. But what about a man? ...well you can't.
In social terms, it just meant whether you have sex before or not.
In theological terms (catholic), please view

So, what are we discussing here?
How is the media and the world around us telling us about virginity and pre-marital sex? How are your friends, family and school responding to these issues?...ok...i'm not going to start a sexual education or argument here...

What is our stand as Christians? What so freaking important about preserving this "gift" till the wedding night?
Allow me to share a little with you from the Theology of the Body by John Paul II and further explained by Christopher West.

read Genesis 2:18-25 (if you can).

So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man....
Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed.


JPII: The beatifying "beginning" of man's being and existing, as male and female, is connected with the revelation and discovery of the meaning of the body, which can be called "nuptial". (nuptial meaning marriage.)

Marriage in this life (on earth) is meant to foreshadow heaven where, for all eternity, we will celebrate the "marriage of the Lamb" (Rev 19:7), the marriage of Christ and the Church. This is the deepest desire of the human heart + to live in the eternal bliss of communion with God himself. As wonderful as marriage and marital intimacy can be in this life. It's only a sign, a foretaste, a sacrament of what's to come. Earthly marriage is simply preparation for heavenly marriage.

The free exchange of consent properly witnessed by the Church establishes the marriage bond.
Sexual union consummates it - seals it, completes it, perfects it. Sexual union, then is, where the words of the wedding vows become flesh. The very "language" that God has inscribed in sexual intercourse is the language of the marriage covenant: the free commitment to a union of love that is indissoluble, faithful, and open to children.


I find this a very beautiful revelation of the true meaning of sex. That is to be in full communion with God. It is the physical language that God gives us to have a taste of His love and the heavenly marriag ethat awaits. Isn't it
ecstatic! But it also doesn't mean that people who led celibate lives (religious and singles) can't experience this full communion. As Chris puts it, "Celibacy, unlike marriage, is not a sacrament of the heavenly marriage on earth. Celibacy is a sign of life beyond sacrament when we'll be united with God directly through the 'Marriage of the Lamb'."

Man and woman are from the same body at the beginning. After the "separation", we human beings are called to find our other half and to become one flesh again; to be in full communion with our Father on the night after the nuptial (wedding). It will truly be a beautiful and heavenly experience, much better than any orgasm that you can think of. A little clip for you..
.(Sex before marriage?)

Have a blessed week!
And three cheers to virginity!! lol

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