Our Mission Statements

To encourage young people to build an intimate Relationship with God with Him as our Guiding Companion.

To Acknowledge the gifts that God has given to us and to Empower us to use them through this Journey of faith.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Your BLYM Weekly

Hey guys!

You might be wondering why there're not much activities or programs from us lately? Well, that's because we are all planning for something major for Advent! Yup, each and every ministry will be involved in fund raising efforts for a charity and for the ministries' funds next year. Also, with the planning of next year's schedule, it looks set to be a bombastic year for God and you!

1) Tour of St Vianney - St Vianney's coming to SFA this week and with a host of activities lined up, it's looking exciting! BLYM will be taking a forward stance by engaging ourselves in Silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on 19 Oct, Monday, between 7pm - 8pm. Come, join us in spending some quiet time with Jesus admist your busy work schedule and tiring exams.

2) School of Witness 2010 - It's back and it's bigger then before! Check the attachments for more details. Interested? Get back to us!

3) Intercessories - Once every 2 weeks, a group of young adults and youths will come together to pray for the needs of the parish, the youths, young adults and any personal intentions. If you have any petitions, please send them back to our email and we will pray for you:) This week, we pray especially for the victims in disaster-hit areas such as Philipines and Indonesia.

For those in the midst of exams, take care of yourselves while studying hard for the exams!


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