Our Mission Statements

To encourage young people to build an intimate Relationship with God with Him as our Guiding Companion.

To Acknowledge the gifts that God has given to us and to Empower us to use them through this Journey of faith.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bridging Light Updates!

Hey people,

Did you see the news last weekend regarding the Thai riots? It's a pretty touchy and heart breaking situation. People are being hurt left and right. In Singapore, we are experiencing the peace that not every country is experiencing at the moment. Last week, during the Young Adults cell group, we were sharing about the different persecutions that are going on in different countries. In India, it's a must for people who are wanting to convert to Christianity to write a report to the police saying that they are converting of their own will. In Malaysia, some states are more pro-Christian. In Singapore, we are being persecuted for wanting to go to church more then going out with our friends and not believing in abortion. What about you? What sort of persecutions are you facing in your workplace or studies?

1) Cell Group. Register your interest (Living in God 2010 from ages 14 - 20), here or Little Rock Scripture Studies - Acts of the Apostles for Young Adults (21 years to 30 years old) here! If you have registered but no one has contacted you yet, please call Moses @ 9827 6674.

2) Intercessories - Once every 2 weeks, a group of young adults and youths will come together to pray for the needs of everyone in the parish. If you have any petitions, please send them back to our email. This week we pray for the people who are affected in the Thailand riots.

3) Gawad Kalinga Exhibition - The group of 11 young people who went to Philippines will be showcasing their 'wares' via a small exhibition this weekend, outside the canteen. Do keep a lookout for it!

4) "How will young people be able to know the Lord if they are not introduced to the mystery of His presence?"
The Youth Ministry Office is inviting all young people to experience the beauty of Eucharistic Adoration
"Evening with Fr. Antoine - Youth Eucharistic Adoration"
Friday, 23 April 2010, 7.30pm - 10pm
@ CAYC Hall, 2 Lorong Low Koon, Singapore 536449

Fr. Antoine Thomas, from the Congregation of St. John, has been a speaker at many youth retreats throughout the US, as well as seminars and retreats to seminarians & religious sisters. If you are interested to join this, you could reply back or SMS Joachim @ 92394826 and we could go together as a group.

5) Camp Daniel
"Do you want to interpret dreams or dance in the middle of a fiery furnace and don't get burn?"
Youths,15 & above, you are invited to unravel the mystery of the lives of Daniel and his friends in a fun & experiential camp with other youths of the Archdiocese.
Cost: $40
Event Date :15 Apr 10, 5:00 pm - 18 Apr 10, 12:00 pm
Location :2 Lorong Low Koon, Singapore
Organised By :Catholic Archdiocesan Youth Centre
Contact :To register please get the registration form from CAYC website www.cayconline.org or contact CAYC staff at 62852571 or email mariana@cayconline.org

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