Our Mission Statements

To encourage young people to build an intimate Relationship with God with Him as our Guiding Companion.

To Acknowledge the gifts that God has given to us and to Empower us to use them through this Journey of faith.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bridging Light Updates

Hey people,

Recently, I had a conversation with a youth about Science and religion. He wants to believe in God and religion but he's more inclined towards Science because of the evidence it presents. At that moment, I suddenly had an inspiration which was stuck in my head for the past 1 year.

When I go home, I will either take 157, 198, 99 or 334. Or I can choose to walk, run or jog back to my house. Whichever way I choose to go home, I will still get back to my house. Whichever side you are more inclined to, it still leads back to God in the end. The Church does not deny Science. Maybe in the past, there were some misunderstandings about Science in the Church but all that was in the past. As we discover and dive deeper into the Bible and Sacraments, we start to embrace what God has given to us. One of things which God use to keep us in check is Science. It can be used for good or bad, the only thing is that people have been using Science for all the wrong reasons now.

So which side are you more inclined towards to?

1) A Youth Mass celebration with commissioning of youth and young adult leaders. Happening on 4 July, 11 p.m. A Mass served by the youth for the parish.

2) Inviting all young people (14 - 30) to a... a fishy event.

F.I.S.H (Find. Inspire. searcH. Seek) .

When? 4th July. 12.15 p.m.
Where? St Mary's Room, lvl 3.
Who's the speaker? Oka (Previous Coordinator of SACCRE Youth)
On? Prayer

Come together with us to play, pray, worship, listen and share.

3) A drama production by The Potter's Clay coming your way soon...

4) Countdown to WYD Madrid 11 begins! Registration for SFA group has already started. If you are interested and between the age of 16 - 35, we welcome you to join us! Reply back for more details! Check this site out: www.madridwyd2011.com.

5) Cell Group. Register your interest (Living in God 2010 from ages 14 - 20), here or Little Rock Scripture Studies - Acts of the Apostles for Young Adults (21 years to 30 years old) here! If you have registered but no one has contacted you yet, please call Gregory @ 9829 7091.

6) Intercessories - Once every 2 weeks, a group of young adults and youths will come together to pray for the needs of everyone in the parish. If you have any petitions, please send them back to our email. This week we pray for victims of the speed boat crash.


Check us out at www.bridginglights.blogspot.com!

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