Our Mission Statements

To encourage young people to build an intimate Relationship with God with Him as our Guiding Companion.

To Acknowledge the gifts that God has given to us and to Empower us to use them through this Journey of faith.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bridging Light Updates!

Hey guys,

Wow, last weekend was certainly exciting for the Youth Office and all its ministries! First up, we have had our first Welcome Night for all the young people of the parish, where they got to experience what Cell Group is actually about. Praise and Worship was led by Psalm 100.2FM and ice-breaking games were played.

Charles's session on Community, based on 4/3π r3 = 3.142... (formula of a sphere) spoke about the joys of belonging in a community. The following verses were highlighted: Ephesians 4:3, 1 Timothy 3:14 - 15 and the 3 Rs (Rohi, Rapha and Rabbi). Amazing analogy eh? After the sharing, the young people broke up into small groups to share about the session. It was a chance to get to know one anyone better, have fun and to spiritually recharge.

The following day, the Youth Exhibit officially came up! It was a chance to show the parish what had been going on in the young people scene since 2007 to 2010. It was also a good chance to showcase our ministries and all their various mission statements. We hope that you have a brochure on your hand now! Looking forward to seeing you at some events in the near future!

1) Cell Group Starts. You can still register your interest (Living in God 2010 from ages 14 - 20), here or Little Rock Scripture Studies - Acts of the Apostles for Young Adults (21 years to 30 years old) here!

2) Intercessories - Once every 2 weeks, a group of young adults and youths will come together to pray for the needs of everyone in the parish. If you have any petitions, please send them back to our email and we will pray for you:) This week, we pray for the young people in our parish, that God will continue to shower His intimate love for all.


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